Animal healing


Animal healing is the channelling of universal energy through the healer to the animal.  It relaxes and re-energises the patient to enable their own natural resources to deal with illness or injury, and is natural, has no side effects and is complementary to other therapies and traditional veterinary treatment.  Animal healing works on many levels: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.  It is non-invasive and gentle.


Giving healing to Billy
Equine healing
Mr P enjoying healing

How do animals benefit?


Healing promotes calm, peace and deep relaxation, and will help the body to recover from trauma, illness or injury.  For animals with emotional problems, such as those from rescue centres or those missing a carer or animal companion, healing can be very beneficial.  As we know that emotional issues can manifest as physical symptoms, animal healing can help prevent physical problems getting a hold.  Behavioural issues in an animal can be helped by healing too as it is a calming, relaxing therapy.  During a healing session, I often pick up communication on a non-verbal level which may offer insight into why the animal is behaving in a certain way.  Healing benefits domestic animals and horses alike as it is gentle and holistic and can be given for any illness, stress or injury.  Horses particularly enjoy healing and often guide the healer through the session.


For dogs, it is often beneficial to offer canine massage as well as healing to increase relaxation.

Sabre enjoying a healing session
Rosie benefitting from healing

Contact and distant healing


Healing can be either contact or distant.  Contact healing is when the animal is present at the healing session.  If it is not possible to have the animal present due to geographical location, distant healing can be sent and is just as effective.  All that is required is a clear photo of the animal.  Distant healing can also be used for animals that are extremely nervous of strangers.


As a rule, contact healing sessions take around 60 minutes with the first consultation being slightly longer to include completion of a consultation form.  Distant healing sessions take a little less time although they have the same beneficial effect.


Saying goodbye


If you have been lucky enough to share your life with an animal the chances are you have had to face the inevitable parting at the end of their life.  Knowing the right thing to do and the right time to do it is not always easy due to our emotional attachment to our animals, and facing up to that moment when we have to say goodbye is very painful.  Healing can be a great help to the animal during the period leading up to this point, and can help them cope with their own emotions.  It is also hugely beneficial as the animal passes over from this life, and helps that transition take place with peace and love.  Healing can benefit the carer too by offering some peace and understanding at an emotionally charged time.


In addition to healing during this time, animal communication will often bring clarity for both animal and human, and help them be as close as they can be before the time comes to part.


PLEASE NOTE: Holistic animal healing is not a substitute for veterinary treatment and it is important that the animal has been seen by a veterinary surgeon.


Teddy enjoying healing
Mickey enjoying a healing session
Healing making Ruby sleepy